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All ICP DAS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ICP DAS: rS-485 I/O modules, Ethernet, FRnet, CAN bus devices, PROFIBUS, HART, monitoring tools, power management, temperature and humidity recorders, compact controllers, WISE, PAC, ViewPAC, MotionPAC, uPAC, accessories, baskets with redundancy function, USB
  • RS-485 I/O devices ICP DAS
    RS-485 I/O devices
    I-7012(D), I-7012F(D), I-7017, etc.
  • Ethernet I/O Devices ICP DAS
    Ethernet I/O Devices
    tM-AD5, tM-AD5C, tM-AD8, etc.
  • FRnet I/O Modules ICP DAS
    FRnet I/O Modules
    FR-2017iT, FR-2024iT, FR-2053iT, etc.
  • Devices on the CAN bus ICP DAS
    Devices on the CAN bus
    CAN-2015C, CAN-2017C, CAN-2018C, etc.
  • PROFIBUS devices ICP DAS
    PROFIBUS devices
    GW-7552 CR, GW-7553 CR, etc.
  • HART devices ICP DAS
    HART devices
    I-7567 CR, I-7570 CR, HRT-710 CR, etc.
  • USB I/O Baskets ICP DAS
    USB I/O Baskets
    USB-87P1, USB-87P2, USB-87P4, etc.
  • Power management devices ICP DAS
    Power management devices
    PMC-5141, PMC-5141P, etc.
  • Temperature recorders ICP DAS
    Temperature recorders
    DL-100T485P, DL-100T485P-W, etc.
  • WISE-I/O controllers ICP DAS
    WISE-I/O controllers
    WISE-7901, WISE-7901D, WISE-7902, etc.
  • Accessories ICP DAS
    SG-3011, SG-3013, SG-3016, etc.
  • 8000 Series PAC Controllers ICP DAS
    8000 Series PAC Controllers
    XP-8041, XP-8341, XP-8741, etc.
  • ViewPAC Controllers ICP DAS
    ViewPAC Controllers
    VP-2111, VH-2110, VP-2117, etc.
  • MotionPAC Controllers ICP DAS
    MotionPAC Controllers
    MR-8343, MR-8743, MR-8353, etc.
  • Industrial modules ICP DAS
    Industrial modules
    I-87005W, I-87013W, I-87015W, etc.
  • IRAs Controllers ICP DAS
    IRAs Controllers
    uPAC-7186EX(D), I-7188XG(D), etc.
  • The controllers are compact ICP DAS
    The controllers are compact
    uPAC-5001(D), uPAC-5001(D)-FD, etc.
  • Baskets with backup function ICP DAS
    Baskets with backup function
    IDCs-8830, IDCs-8830R, etc.


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